

Exams: check. Coursework: .. not check.

So recently, I started my 6 month journey into long days and longer nights filled with a gazillion mental blocks and paint splattered furniture: art coursework. I'm currently in the what-am-i-supposed-to-do stage of experimenting and being utterly clueless as to how to begin this project.

I've decided to document my progress here, from time to time, so I can keep track of my progress! Hopefully it isn't /too/ boring.

This is the first photo set I've finished editing (for now -- I may make a few changes in the future). It's not much really, and I'm not are where I'm going with this, but I thought it'd be a good place to start. This photo set is titled "Dynamics" for its completely free, fun, extremely blurry pictures. I have some edited to black and white just to see what it looks like and stuff.

camera : Olympus OM-d E-M1

this is my favourite bw

testing lower exposure

desaturated -- not a standout

bit more colour?


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